Most Used Array Methods In JavaScript

Most Used Array Methods In JavaScript

What is an Array in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, arrays can contain any elements of type String, Number, Objects, and also other arrays.

const array = ['iwritecode', false, {}, [1,2,3]]

For simplicity, we can divide array methods into groups.

☑ Add/remove items

✅ Add/remove items from start and end position


push() is used to add elements at the end of an array.


pop() is used to remove elements at the end of an array.


unshift() is used to add elements at the starting position of an array.


unshift() is used to remove the first element of an array.

✅ Add/remove items using splice() method

syntax is array.splice(start, num. of items to be deleted, elem1, ... ,elemN) using splice we can add and remove items from the array really easily.

✔ deleting element of an array
let array = ['hello', 'java', 'script'];
array.splice(1,1); // from index 1 remove 1 element
console.log(array); // output => ['hello', 'script'];
✔ deleting 2 elements and replacing them with 2 other elements of an array
let array = ['hello', 'java', 'script'];
array.splice(0,2,'ES6','ecma'); // remove 2 first elements and replace them with other 2 elements
console.log(array); // output => ['ES6', 'ecma', 'script'];
✔ splice method returns removed elements of array
let array = ['hello', 'java', 'script'];
let removedElements = array.splice(1,1); // from index 1 remove 1 element
console.log(removedElements); // output => ['java'];
✔ using the splice method we can add elements without removing elements

this can be achieved by setting num. of items to be deleted to 0

let array = ['hello', 'java', 'script'];
console.log(array); // output => ['hello', 'java', 'ES6', 'ecma', 'script'];

✅ Creating subarrays and copy of array using slice() method.

syntax : array.slice(start, end)
It returns a new array copying to it all items from index start to end (not including end).

let array = ['hello', 'java', 'script'];
console.log(array.slice(0,1);); // output => ['hello', 'java'];

✅ Concatinating two or more arrays or elements into one single array using concat() method

syntax : array.concat(arg1, arg2)

It accepts any number of arguments -> either arrays or values. The result is a new single array containing items from array, then arg1, arg2 etc.

let arr = [1, 2];

// create an array from: arr and [3,4]
alert( arr.concat([3, 4]) ; // 1,2,3,4

☑ To search element of array

indexOf/lastIndexOf methods

arr.indexOf(item, from) – looks for item starting from index from, and returns the index where it was found, otherwise -1.
arr.includes(item, from) – looks for item starting from index from, returns true if found.

let arr = [1, 0, false];

alert( arr.indexOf(0) ); // 1
alert( arr.indexOf(false) ); // 2
alert( arr.indexOf(null) ); // -1

The method arr.lastIndexOf is the same as indexOf, but looks from right to left.

let fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Apple']

alert( fruits.indexOf('Apple') ); // 0 (first Apple)
alert( fruits.lastIndexOf('Apple') ); // 2 (last Apple)

☑ Transform an array

reverse method

The method arr.reverse reverses the order of elements in arr.

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

alert( arr ); // 5,4,3,2,1

split and join methods

The split() method splits the string into an array.

let names = 'Bilbo, Gandalf, Nazgul';

let arr = names.split(', ');
console.log(arr); // output => [Bilbo, Gandalf, Nazgul]

The join() does the reverse to split. It creates a string of arr items.

let arr = ['Bilbo', 'Gandalf', 'Nazgul'];

let str = arr.join(';'); // glue the array into a string using ;

alert( str ); // output => "Bilbo;Gandalf;Nazgul"