Scope, Scope Chain, and Lexical Environment In JavaScript.

Scope, Scope Chain, and Lexical Environment In JavaScript.


3 min read

Scope in javascript is an important concept and gives us the power to write variables in a way we cannot imagine. It provides extra security to our variables by avoiding unwanted modifications from other parts of the program. It also gives us the power of using the same name variable in different scopes.

๐Ÿ”ฅ What is the scope?

A scope is a place where we can access a specific variable in our code.
The scope of a variable depends upon the lexical environment(we will talk about this later).

๐Ÿ”ฅ Types of scope?

In JavaScript, there are three types of scopes
1) Global Scope 2) Function Scope and 3) Block Scope

  1. Global Scope
    A variable that is not inside function or block(i.e inside curly braces {}) is inside the global scope. The global variable is accessed anywhere in the program.

    // global scope
    var firstName = "prakash"; 
    function display(){
    console.log(firstName); // firstName is accessible inside function as it's declared inside global scope.
  2. Function Scope
    Variables that are declared inside the function are inside the function scope. They are accessed only inside a function.

    function display(){
     // function scope
     var firstName = "Prakash";
     console.log(firstName); // firstName is accessible here
    // Uncaught ReferenceError: firstName is not defined
  3. Block Scope
    Code inside {} curly braces is known as block scope. ES6 introduced us let and const and they support block scope.

     // block scope
     var firstName = "Prakash";
     let lastName = "Naikwadi";
     console.log(firstName); // Output => Prakash
     console.log(lastName); // Output => Naikwadi
    // var is accessible everywhere into the program
    console.log(firstName); // Output => Prakash 
    // Uncaught ReferenceError: lastName is not defined

๐Ÿ”ฅ Lexical Environment in JavaScript

  • Whenever Execution Context is created a lexical environment is also created with it.
  • So, a Lexical environment is a local memory along with reference to the lexical environment of its parent.
  • The word lexical means, hierarchy or in sequence.

  • For Example

    function a(){
        var b = 10;
        function c(){
            var d = 20;
  • In the above example how the lexical environment of different functions is created is shown using the below diagram

Lexical Envirnment (3) - Copy.jpg

  • So, this is how local and parent's execution contexts reference combine to create a lexical environment of that function.

๐Ÿ”ฅ What is Scope Chaining in JavaScript?

  • Using the above lexical scope example we can easily understand scope chaining.
  • So, when we access variable b inside function c(), it first checks b in local memory and if there is no b declaration it will check for b in its parent's memory.
  • If, we declared that b inside global execution context, then JS will have goes up to global memory and get's value from theirs.
  • This mechanism of finding variables in other parent's execution context memory is known as scope chaining.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Conclusion

In this article, we learn about how scope works and the different types of scopes available inside JavaScript. We learn about lexical scope inside JavaScript. Also, we learn about how scope chaining works.

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